
Horses on the Hill – by Diane Clark, September 2022  

There’s an exciting new program afoot in Price Hill. Most of us have heard of BLOC Ministries, a non-profit dedicated to helping the troubled and disadvantaged in Price Hill and Cleves for over 20 years. At last count, they had 28 programs and 40 missionaries living in the area. BLOC Coffee Company is perhaps the best known of these. Equine Therapy, an increasingly popular concept, is spreading across the country and BLOC Ministries is incorporating it into their mission work in Price Hill. Nearly five years ago Xavier University grad students took on a project to develop the base plan into a vision of how to bring horses to Price Hill.

With the help of volunteers and generous donors, the Horses on the Hill (HOTH) barn is nearing completion and the program will become a reality. Located on seven acres at 1655 Ross Avenue, on land leased from the city and where Quebec School once stood, this barn is just the first step. There will be a house, maintenance staff on site, as well as the family farming center. A major benefit to the Price Hill location is that it eliminates the is- sue of transportation, making it easily accessible to local residents.

Economically disadvantaged youth and their families, abused women, and individuals in recovery are the target participants. Caring for horses, including barn chores, and helping in the community garden, all teach the value of work, boundaries, and cooperation.